Admin panel

Development of a new version of the the admin page, which helps control the function of audio recordings.

Functions will include creating audio recordings, control of auxiliary items (Sponsors, Speakers), processing files, checking files (legality, technical problems, and content), and finally publishing recordings to an external source (website) which will be available to users around the world.

Modern interface
Modern interface
The new version of the editing panel has a modern interface.
Improved filters
Improved filters
Included in the design of features to improve the filtering process
New player
New player
A more functional version of the player has been incorporated into the design
 Optimized user-flow
Optimized user-flow
Interaction with files
A well-organized process of interacting with files has been incorporated
Innovation and unusual solutions
Mobile version
Mobile version
Mobile version
Mobile version
Mobile version
We've developed a separate partial mobile version of the admin panel that is available for users who have the Screener role.
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